
3. Chaining and Summarization

In this chapter, you will learn how to chain calls to a Large Language Model (LLM) and use it to summarize texts, such as articles, books, or transcripts. You will implement those methods with the ChatGPT API to build artificially intelligent applications.

3.1. Why chaining?

Chaining is a technique that allows you to send multiple requests to an LLM in a sequence, using the output of one request as the input of another. This way, you can leverage the power of an LLM to perform complex tasks that require multiple steps, such as summarization, text simplification, or question answering.

This gave birth to a new science (or art?) and a buzzword: prompt engineering. Essentially, Prompt engineering is the process of creating and refining prompts to get specific responses from AI models. Prompts are questions or instructions that are structured in natural language to describe a task for an AI to perform. I doubt that “Prompt Engineer” will become a real job (but what is a “real” job really…?)

The benefits of chaining are the following:

Chaining enables to “fix” some of the inherent limitations of LLMs:

A major paper that has been at the origin of many of the improvements of the usage of LLMs is React: Synergizing Reasoning and Acting in Language Models.

Instead of directly answering a question, this approach breaks down the process into Reasoning + Acting. It does so by implementing a method called Chain-of-Thoughts.

A number of frameworks emerged to provide developers with the ability to integrate LLMs into their applications, by implementing those concepts. I’ll cover the few main ones in this blog:

Most of those frameworks that appeared in 2023 came to complement LLMs like ChatGPT or open-source alternatives such as Llama. But it is good to note that with new features enabled by OpenAI throughout the year, the need for those frameworks became less and less relevant as OpenAI has increasingly been providing an end-to-end integrated solution.

We will break down the analysis of those frameworks over the course of the next 3 chapters:

3.1.1. Semantic Kernel by Microsoft

I’m choosing to start with Semantic Kernel, as Microsoft provides good educational material on the main concepts around chaining. Semantic Kernel is a lightweight Software Development Kit (SDK) developed by Microsoft that enables to mix conventional programming languages and Large Language Models with templating, chaining, and planning capabilities. Here is a diagram that explains the workflow triggered by the user asking a question:

Journey Short Description
ASK A user’s goal is sent to SK as an ASK
Kernel The kernel orchestrates a user’s ASK
Planner The planner breaks it down into steps based upon resources that are available
Resources Planning involves leveraging available skills, memories, and connectors
Steps A plan is a series of steps for the kernel to execute
Pipeline Executing the steps results in fulfilling the user’s ASK
GET And the user gets what they asked for …

3.1.2. LangChain 🦜🔗

LangChain is a framework that enables developers to chain calls to Large Language Models (such as ChatGPT). It offers implementations both in Python and Typescript (in order to migrate easily your experimentations into a JavaScript web app). We won’t be needing this as we will reuse Streamlit.

Many of the concepts introduced in the early days of the LangChain framework were meant to complements the Large Language Models such as GPT 3.5:

Before ChatGPT was introduced (with the underlying 3.5 turbo model), you could already abstract the call to OpenAI GPT 3 models with LangChain, with a very simple syntax:

from langchain.llms import OpenAI
llm = OpenAI()
joke = llm('tell me a joke')
Q: What did the fish say when he hit the wall?
A: Dam!

It also provided the ease of swapping models providers:

But the use of chat models (like gpt-3.5-turbo) were preferred to those base models like davinci. They’ve been significantly optimized, and the price is 10 times cheaper, so it is best to standardize your code on those chat models.

from langchain.chat_models import ChatOpenAI
from langchain.schema import HumanMessage
chat = ChatOpenAI()
text = "Tell me a joke"
messages = [HumanMessage(content=text)]
res = chat.invoke(messages)
Sure, here's a classic joke for you:
Why don't scientists trust atoms?
Because they make up everything!

To learn more about LangChain, I would recommend the Youtube channel of Greg Kamradt.

3.2. Summarization

Summarization is one of the main use cases of Natural Language Processing that is used productively in a professional setting. The first application that came to my mind to leverage ChatGPT was summarizing meetings. This way I could simply turn on the transcription on Microsoft Teams and skip long overcrowded meetings. The same could be applied to long documents that I don’t want to read.

3.2.1. Working around the context length

Now there is one problem with this: a typical one-hour meeting is around 8k to 10k tokens. But initially the GPT-3.5 model powering ChatGPT could only handle 4096 tokens.

What are tokens anyway? A helpful rule of thumb is that one token generally corresponds to ~4 characters of text for common English text. This translates to roughly ¾ of a word (so 100 tokens ~= 75 words). OpenAI provides a tokenizer to help you compute the number of tokens of your text. In what follows, we will use the package tiktoken from OpenAI anytime we need to compute precisely the number of tokens within our applications.

What does this mean in terms of pages? One page in average is 500 words (like the first page of the forewords in Letter format 8.5” x 11”). Which means that 4k tokens can fit 6 pages of text. As the previous diagram suggests, this context length is shared between the prompt and the response.

Let’s illustrate this with a basic example of a conversation recorded as WebVTT file:

import os, webvtt
files = os.listdir('../data/vtt')
file = files[1]
cap ='../data/vtt/'+file)
for caption in cap[1:5]:
    # print(f'From {caption.start} to {caption.end}')
    # print(caption.raw_text)

I want to start doing this experiment where.

We have a conversation we record it’s generating a VTT file.

And I have a parser. I developed a small app in Python that can retrieve the VTT file process it.

And then.

We can extract the text from the conversation and save it as a plain text file.

txt = file.replace('.vtt','.txt')
m = [caption.raw_text for caption in cap]
sep = '\n'
convo = sep.join(m)
with open('../data/txt/'+txt,mode='w') as f:

Let’s count the numbers of token in the conversation.

import tiktoken
def num_tokens(string: str) -> int:
    """Returns the number of tokens in a text string."""
    encoding_name = 'cl100k_base'
    encoding = tiktoken.get_encoding(encoding_name)
    num_tokens = len(encoding.encode(string))
    return num_tokens


In the next parts, we will go over different chain types to address the limitation of the context length.

3.2.2. Stuffing

The first solution presented is “stuffing”. If a document is within the model’s context limit (4k tokens here), it can be directly fed into the API for summarization. This method is straightforward but limited by the maximum context length.

This is how the code would look like with LangChain:

from langchain.chains.summarize import load_summarize_chain
from langchain.chat_models import ChatOpenAI
from langchain.document_loaders import WebBaseLoader, TextLoader
loader = TextLoader('../data/txt/'+txt)
docs = loader.load()
llm = ChatOpenAI(temperature=0, model_name="gpt-3.5-turbo")
chain = load_summarize_chain(llm, chain_type="stuff")
'Yann wants to improve his French accent and plans to conduct an
experiment where he records conversations and generates VTT files. He
has developed a Python app to process the VTT files and wants to use the
ChatGPT API to further analyze them. Mike has not yet used the API due
to lack of time.'

Try summarizing a longer text, like the content of a webpage like the LangChain doc page.

def summarize(page, model = "gpt-3.5-turbo"):  
    loader = WebBaseLoader(page)
    docs = loader.load()
    llm = ChatOpenAI(temperature=0, model_name=model)
    chain = load_summarize_chain(llm, chain_type="stuff")

page = ""
    summary = summarize(page)
except Exception as e:
Error code: 400 - {'error': {'message': "This model's maximum
context length is 4097 tokens. However, your messages resulted in 7705
tokens. Please reduce the length of the messages.", 'type':
'invalid_request_error', 'param': 'messages', 'code':

Luckily as we will see in the last part of this chapter we can use a model with a larger context window:

page = ""
summarize(page,model = "gpt-3.5-turbo-16k")
'The LangChain platform offers tools for document summarization using
large language models (LLMs). There are three approaches to document
summarization: "stuff," "map-reduce," and "refine." The "stuff"
approach involves inserting all documents into a single prompt, while
the "map-reduce" approach summarizes each document individually and
then combines the summaries into a final summary. The "refine"
approach iteratively updates the summary by passing each document and
the current summary through an LLM chain. The platform provides
pre-built chains for each approach, and users can customize prompts and
LLM models. Additionally, the platform offers the option to split long
documents into chunks and summarize them in a single chain.'

3.2.3. Map reduce

The MapReduce method involves splitting a large document (e.g., 8k tokens) into smaller chunks, summarizing each separately, and then combining these summaries into a final summary. This approach allows for processing larger documents in parallel API calls but may lose some information.

This is a term that some might be familiar with, from the space of big data analysis, where it represents a distributed execution framework that parallelized algorithms over data that might not fit on a single core.

As an example, we will take another source of VTT files: Youtube transcripts. The video we will summarize is the LangChain Cookbook - Beginner Guide To 7 Essential Concepts.

from youtube_transcript_api.formatters import WebVTTFormatter
from youtube_transcript_api import YouTubeTranscriptApi
video_id = "2xxziIWmaSA" #
transcript = YouTubeTranscriptApi.get_transcript(video_id)
formatter = WebVTTFormatter()
formatted_captions = formatter.format_transcript(transcript)
vtt_file = f'../data/vtt/subtitles-{video_id}.vtt'
with open(vtt_file, 'w') as f:
sep = 'n'
caption = sep.join([s['text'] for s in transcript])
# Turn VTT file into TXT file
txt_file = vtt_file.replace('vtt','txt')
with open(txt_file,mode='w') as f:

Now comes a new concept that will be important anytime you are breaking down content into chunks: a text splitter.

The default recommended text splitter is the RecursiveCharacterTextSplitter. This text splitter takes a list of characters. It tries to create chunks based on splitting on the first character, but if any chunks are too large it then moves onto the next character, and so forth. By default, the characters it tries to split on are ["nn", "n", " ", ""]

In addition to controlling which characters you can split on, you can also control a few other things:

text_splitter = RecursiveCharacterTextSplitter(
    chunk_size = 1000,
    chunk_overlap = 0,
    length_function = num_tokens,

def doc_summary(docs):
    print (f'You have {len(docs)} document(s)')
    num_words = sum([len(doc.page_content.split(' ')) for doc in
    print (f'You have roughly {num_words} words in your docs')
    print ()
    print (f'Preview: n{docs[0].page_content.split(".

docs = text_splitter.split_documents(doc)
You have 11 document(s)
You have roughly 7453 words in your docs

hello good people have you ever wondered

We can now perform the MapReduce method. We can enable the mode verbose=True to view the breakdown of each intermediate summary.

llm = ChatOpenAI(model_name='gpt-3.5-turbo')
chain = load_summarize_chain(llm, chain_type="map_reduce",
"The video introduces Lang chain, a framework for developing
applications powered by language models. It explains the components and
benefits of Lang chain, and mentions a companion cookbook for further
examples. The video discusses different types of models and how they
interact with text, including language models, chat models, and text
embedding models. It explains the use of prompts, prompt templates, and
example selectors. The process of importing and using a semantic
similarity example selector is described. The video also discusses the
use of text splitters, document loaders, and retrievers. The concept of
vector stores and various platforms are mentioned. The video explains
how chat history can improve language models and introduces the concept
of chains. It demonstrates the creation of different chain types in Lang
chain, such as location, meal, and summarization chains. The concept of
agents and their application in decision making is discussed, along with
the process of creating an agent and loading tools into its toolkit. The
speaker shares their positive experience using Lion Chain software and
its ability to dynamically search for information. They mention the
debut album of Wild Belle and encourage viewers to check out the band's
music. The video concludes by mentioning future videos on the topic and
encouraging viewers to subscribe and provide feedback."

3.2.4. Refine

In the Refine method, the document is split into chunks, and each chunk is summarized sequentially, with each summary informed by the previous one. This method provides relevant context but is time-consuming due to its sequential nature. This is one of my favorite methods for summarizing.

We can directly try this method on the same content as the previous section, and see how it compares.

chain = load_summarize_chain(llm, chain_type="refine", verbose=True)

You can observe in the verbose output that the chain uses the following prompt:

Given the new context, refine the original summary.
If the context isn't useful, return the original summary.

Finally, I’ll implement my own text splitter and summarizer using the refine method.

def my_text_splitter(text,chunk_size=3000):
    # Split text into chunks based on space or newline
    chunks = text.split()
    # Initialize variables
    result = []
    current_chunk = ""
    # Concatenate chunks until the total length is less than 4096 tokens
    for chunk in chunks:
        # if len(current_chunk) + len(chunk) < 4096:
        if num_tokens(current_chunk+chunk) < chunk_size:
            current_chunk += " " + chunk if current_chunk else chunk
            current_chunk = chunk
    if current_chunk:
    return result
import openai

def summarize(text, context = 'summarize the following text:', model =
    completion =
        model = model,
        {'role': 'system','content': context},
        {'role': 'user', 'content': text}
    return completion.choices[0].message.content
def refine(summary, chunk,  model = 'gpt-3.5-turbo'):
    """Refine the summary with each new chunk of text"""
    context = "Refine the summary with the following context: " +
    summary = summarize(chunk, context, model)
    return summary
# Requires initialization with summary of first chunk
chunks = my_text_splitter(caption)
summary = summarize(chunks[0])
for chunk in chunks[1:]:
    summary = refine(summary, chunk)
'In this video, the presenter discusses the Lang chain framework and
its various components, including Vector Stores, Memory, Chains, and
Agents. They provide code examples and highlight the versatility and
functionality of using Lang chain. In the end, they encourage viewers to
subscribe for part two and ask any questions they may have. They also
share tools on Twitter and encourage feedback and comments from

3.2.5. Evolutions of the context window

This early view of limitations of Large Language Models has to be updated over time as the context length of new generations of LLMs are growing:

There are still advantages to apply the previous methods, either to mitigate the cost of long context windows and larger models, or to use smaller more dedicated models that can be open-source for certain specific tasks like summarizing.